En este video explica un poco por encima lo que es la homeopatía y lanza un reto a los homeópatas:
Si ganáis el cheque de un millón de dólares, lo podéis donar a alguna ONG con lo que matareis dos pájaros de un tiro: cerrar la boca a esos malvados escépticos que trabajan para las farmacéuticas y ayudar a los más desfavorecidos.
¿A qué esperáis?
Por otra parte, James nos habla de otra campaña. Se trata de conseguir las firmas necesarias (parece ser que la Fundación Educacional James Randi pretende que sean 5000) para enviar a las farmacéuticas y pedir que se etiqueten los productos homeopáticos tal que así:
Stop keeping customers in the dark about homeopathic products
Dear Pharmacy Executive:
Your customers deserve to know the truth about the products you sell. So-called homeopathic remedies often have no active ingredients; homeopathy has been shown not to work any better than a placebo; and homeopathic products are not tested or approved by any U.S. health agency.
Consumers should be able to trust their local drug store to sell products that will help them, and not deny them the facts about products that are known to be useless. Many people who buy homeopathic products are shocked to learn that they aren't tested and are based on ridiculous ideas that have been disproven by science.
We ask that your company begin labeling homeopathic products to make these facts clear to customers before they buy, and clearly separating homeopathic products from real medications on store shelves.
We also ask that you disclose your company's profit margin on these fake medicines, and how it compares to your profits on real OTC medications used to treat the same symptoms.
Es decir, como lo que son: