LEED V4 and C2C are now much better connected since end 2013, due to a new Chapter included in the LEED V4 version.
LEED V4 has a new chapter called " Materials & Resources" and it's credit nº 4 "Building Disclosure and Optimization—Material Ingredients", encourages project teams to choose products whose chemical ingredients are inventoried using an accepted methodology and to select products verified to minimize the use and generation of harmful substances.
More info: http://www.usgbc.org/v4
Cradle to Cradle CertifiedCM is listed as a path to compliance in Options 1 and 2 of this credit nº 4

As you know DEPOLOSUN products by ESPACIO SOLAR have SILVER C2C Certification and then you could obtain 2 extra points in your LEED certification proces.
More info http://www.espaciosolar.net/green-architecture-compromise.htm
Those are very good news , because now it's very clear and direct how much C2C helps to get LEED credits
Don`t hesitate to call us to clarify any of those topics.